my sweaty palms.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

the weather today is very bad.

same as my mood too.

Friday, April 24, 2009

i've decided to chuck away all the lesson plans and markings tonight.

della and i were chatting on msn - about our teaching stints and all.
we are always fond of giving each other virtual massages so tonight wasnt an exception.

so we were pretending that i was messaging the lower-half of her body (yeah, freak, i know!),
when suddenly, she "made" a 'PROOOOOOOT' sound, indicating that she was farting.

farting = kentot.

[c=4]@[/c][c=3]>--[/c] [c=10]Dix & Della Beckham[/c=13] [c=4]<3[/c] says:
siak jee
pasal kentut pun kawin
kite kawin bukan nk kentut ngan each other!
bayangkn eh kau carik suami menggunekan kentut

donna dakota. says:
mana tau

[c=4]@[/c][c=3]>--[/c] [c=10]Dix & Della Beckham[/c=13] [c=4]<3[/c] says:
gi dating
pastu kau kentut ahh

donna dakota. says:
aku jln sblh lelaki handsome,
aku kentot
then aku wink

[c=4]@[/c][c=3]>--[/c] [c=10]Dix & Della Beckham[/c=13] [c=4]<3[/c] says:
kalau die tk nk kau lagi.. tk bleh jadi kawin
baik kape!!
baik sak pick up
lelaki nampak kau... pastu die kentut kt kau

donna dakota. says:
mesti dier teruja
dier ikot aku alek

[c=4]@[/c][c=3]>--[/c] [c=10]Dix & Della Beckham[/c=13] [c=4]<3[/c] says:
pastu die ckp... you smell lovely

donna dakota. says:
aku lari

[c=4]@[/c][c=3]>--[/c] [c=10]Dix & Della Beckham[/c=13] [c=4]<3[/c] says:
aku nk cobe pikat matair aku mcm gitu ah
kentut kt die pastu wink

donna dakota. says:
kau try ah
kalau satu hari dier dh tk contact kau agi,
jgn salahkan aku

[c=4]@[/c][c=3]>--[/c] [c=10]Dix & Della Beckham[/c=13] [c=4]<3[/c] says:
make sure kene ade bunyi tau
lagi kuat, lagi bagus daya tarikannye

donna dakota. says:
pastu mesti de echo
like the small small sounds after the main kentut
cam terkencit!

donna dakota. says:
eh babi sak
aku ketawe sorg2 skrg

[c=4]@[/c][c=3]>--[/c] [c=10]Dix & Della Beckham[/c=13] [c=4]<3[/c] says:
perangai kentut sak kau

[c=4]@[/c][c=3]>--[/c] [c=10]Dix & Della Beckham[/c=13] [c=4]<3[/c] says:
siak je
harapkan innocent jee
cikgu lahh
tapi perangaii kentut
kau cobe at kt anak murid kau
die buat bising... kau kentut kt die sikit

donna dakota. says:
mesti dier diam
diam sampai end of yr exams!
eh kalau gitu aku nk kentot at ALL OF MY STUDENTS

[c=4]@[/c][c=3]>--[/c] [c=10]Dix & Della Beckham[/c=13] [c=4]<3[/c] says:
sekali buat exams dpt a

donna dakota. says:
psl bau kentot aku

donna dakota. says:
k set
monday aku discuss ngan teachers sume
mana2 aku jln,
cikgu2 sume kentot

c=4]@[/c][c=3]>--[/c] [c=10]Dix & Della Beckham[/c=13] [c=4]<3[/c] says:
nampak budak.. prooot.. ah ambek kau

[c=4]@[/c][c=3]>--[/c] [c=10]Dix & Della Beckham[/c=13] [c=4]<3[/c] says:
pastu kau ajar kt budak2 kau
aku rase kn
cikgu yg ajar health education pun nk kene adopt this new method
buat lagu kentut kasi dorang nyanyi

donna dakota. says:
eh sume tkya greet cikgu ah
diorg kentot
cikgu masok sume kentot

i cant believe i just blogged about farting.
i love this girl. we'll entertain each other like nobody's business.

well, im meeting my rifleman tomorrow :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

my current addiction before america's next top model starts at 11pm on mondays:


paris hilton's my new bff.
quite comical, actually.
a hinge of bitchiness apparent during the show.

bff or what!

Monday, April 20, 2009

thirty minutes more to my primary four class.

today i felt relaxed.
not a surge of anxiety or lethargy,
frequency of yawns was minimised.

i still have two weeks' worth of lesson plans left to be done,
collation of homework to be sent to my student who's currently in France (damn lucky, that guy!),
and not to mention, the coloured cut-outs for Civic and Moral Education.

the last point made me chuckle.

most of my students self-proclaim themselves as "budak 369" and even gave themselves weird gangster names to be called outside school (read: black jack/starboy) - which in my humble opinion, will be the names tattooed on their arms in seven years' time (hopefully not!).

so Civic and Moral Education is a bore to them,
let alone doing coloured cut-outs and decorating them with shiny glitter pens.

so it'll be batam end of may with the staff of corporation primary school,
and bangkok (insyaallah!) in june with baby_garang and di_kecik.

angel_mira still has twenty more minutes to her primary four class.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

my malay ept test was today.
the composition topic i had to write just now was:

Anak Melayu generasi sekarang kurang menghayati nilai dan budaya Melayu. Nyatakan sebab-sebabnya dan pendekatan yang harus diambil untuk memastikan agar budaya Melayu dapat dilestarikan.

and the conversation topic was:

Fenomena 'alam tanpa sempadan' semakin pesat berkembang pada masa sekarang. Berikan pandangan anda tentang mengapa fenomena sedemikian telah berlaku.

and halfway through the paper, both my hands and mouth turned bloody.
bloody, i mean it.
i think my nose bled.
but all i knew was, i had to go to the toilet because i'll faint if i smell blood.

gila freaky. the guy beside me (his name was raja nazruldin) freaked out for five seconds, i think.

to diyana, here's my new cat:




this gorgeous white persian's named fitri!
i really have to thank creamcheese for this cat :)

this was what i bought for hakimbo, sempena hari jadinya bulan hadapan.


super cool.
once i've sent my fujipix camera for repair, im planning to get the above, the paul smith edition.


Monday, April 13, 2009

danish: CIKGU!!!!!!!! dier tendang buah pleh (how on earth do you spell it out man?) saya!!!!!!!!

cikgu mira (with blank look): awak beritahu saya, nk saya uat aper?

this has got to be one of my unsympathetic moments.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

suddenly i miss someone.

i miss someone who likes superman,
and in my humble opinion,
who looks like nicholas saputra.

i have no idea why im missing him.