school will always be a politically dramatic place with people who practise ideologies akin to lembu punya susu, sapi punya nama.
im in zilch mood to even type out a grandfather story on this.
lets cut this short, shall we?
Cikgu (insertnamehere),
Lampiran merupakan kertas lembaran untuk murid-murid SIP yang telah kami siapkan. Latihan pra-lawatan sudah pun dicetak dan diberikan kepada murid-murid. Untuk latihan semasa di Brunei, ianya belum lagi dicetak kerana saya dan Aisyah memerlukan Cikgu untuk menyemaknya dahulu. Jika tiada masalah atau sebarang perubahan, kami harap kami dapat mencetaknya secepat mungkin.
Amira dan Aisyah.
and this came back:
Amira, Aisyah,Bahagian cover SIP Brunei salah.a) Perlu letakkan nama sekolah rendah corporation di atas, b) diikuti dengan frasa program penyerapan sekolah ke Negara Brunei Darussalamc) Lencana CPS (bukan bendera negara brunei)d) Tarikh dan lain dalam bahasa Melayue) Lembaran Aktiviti - dalam bahasa Melayu dan tambah lagi satu bahagian "Apakah yang saya akan lakukan dengan ilmu/maklumat/kemahiran yang saya pelajarif) Lembaran reflection juga dalam Bahasa Melayu - Reflection - Imbas Nilaiim steaming mad okay!
no, not because we had to do a complete overhaul, but because he is a very fickle-minded human being!
when this task was given to us last thursday, we did our best to make this worksheet turn out right.
we asked around for samples of last year's worksheets but to no avail.
finally (last resort la kan), we decided to approach this fickle-minded man.
he said, "ada, ada. saya email sekarang."technically, it's been four days already.
no sign of an email with any attachments.
aisyah and i had to start from scratch okay.
like two lost souls asked to complete something for the master. whatever.
and i remembered asking him whether the worksheet should be in english or malay.
he said, "english, english."fine. so we did it in english la kan, as per master's instructions.
on friday itself, we showed him what we've done so far.
he said, "tkpe, tkpe. saya tk kesah! boleh, boleh!"now everyone, please re-read whatever he replied to us, thank you.
so many
peribahasa in my head right now to substantiate the anger im feeling.
anyway, yesterday was the Primary One Learning Journey.
saiful, zuli and i brought the kiddos to West Coast Park.
zikry and i played badminton, and the shuttlecock landed on top of a shelter.
now i owe him one shuttlecock, damn.
this is aisyah and nabil.

this is nurin jaslina.

this is dhiya and dina.

elly natasha. elly elly bommelly.

nabil and eizaz.

my personal favourite, nur shuaibah.

haney sofea and annessawati (kids nowadays, the names so mouthful).

them on the pusing-pusing thingy, heh.

i love the primary ones. can i teach them next year, please?