so yesterday was totally unplanned.
on friday night, love called me and we were crapping so much on the phone from 3am to 7am!
he was like,
"baby, tomorrow i nk amek mc ah. weekend asyik burn je!"OKAY IF ANY OF THE R2 MANAGERS ARE READING THIS, MATI AKU.
haha so he got his long-anticipated mc, and we decided to go to jb citysquare!
i was excited ah like always.
although i have a house in jb and all, i've never stepped into citysqaure at all!
mira kental.
dinner was at swensens, and love was unhappy that the pizza was so so small.
if we had known, we'd have eaten at pizza hut or something.
after that very anti-climax.
"we go back singapore ah. we find nice spot to chill."
haha perangai seh dua budak ni.
so once we reached singapore, we started brainstorming on where to chill.
it was already 9pm, mind you!
to me ah, in singapore the only places that operate 24 hours are ntuc extra hypermart at jp, starbucks raffles city and mustafa centre.
all not to our liking.
so he very smart ah.
we went to liang court starbucks which closes at 12am.
then we perangai again.
we sat at liang court starbucks until 12.30am.
i think the baristas must be cursing us under their breaths. so exciting.
we webcamed with nurul, gossiped about other people like nobody's business.
who's the bitchy one here eh love?
after that, perangai again!
we walked to fort canning.
both of us super adventurous, i tell you!
carried me on his back up the stairs la, running up the thousand flights of stairs la, reading the map in the dark la, pure nonsense!
when we found the pull-up bars, we got excited for no reason!
if you realise ah, it was already 1am, still no pictures taken.
then we lost interest in fort canning.
so we went to marina barrage! my first time, woohoo!
at 1.30am, the rooftop had many people!
wah, singaporeans sure know how to enjoy their saturday nights.
then at 3am, someone decided to take pictures ah.
like hello? muke very basi and disgusting, then you wanna take pictures?
so anyway.

his face needs to be slapped.
he only powernapped for like 2 hours? haha.

wah by this time, i damn irritated already.
then when peoplesmile widely for the camera already,
my hand decided that it was too short to capture both of our faces together.
give up!
our favourite shoes. haha.

he has that exact same face when he's flirting with the pretty female customers. haha.

then there were three guys giving out free ice creams! at 4am!

then love super excited. must smoke and eat free ice cream at the same time.
we left marina barrage at 5am.
luckily when i reached home, everyone was asleep, heh.
im enjoying my june holidays so much (: