my sweaty palms.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

the perks of being a teacher keeps me going.

today i gave my primary threes groupwork activities.
in groups of 9, they're supposed to come up with as many pairs of antonyms within fifteen minutes.
no copying, no questions to be asked.

so while i was "doing my rounds", this small boy, almost skin-and-bones, i think, came up to me enthusiastically (kumpulan yang menang akan mendapat pelekat bintang tau!).

"cikgu, aircon dengan kipas kata berlawan tk?"
(teacher, are aircon and fan antonyms?)

i gave him a glare and he sighed.

"nmpk sah tk. penat seh saya fikir!"
(obviously not. im exhausted thinking abt it!)

few minutes after that,
he came up to me again.

"cikgu! telinga dgn telinga gajah kata berlawan tk?"
(teacher, are ears and elephant ears antonyms?)

i gave him the glare again, but this time, it was his groupmates who answered him,
"jgn jadi bodoh la! sejak bila cikgu ajar kita telinga dgn telinga gajah!"
(dont be stupid la! since when did teacher teach us that!)

finally one minute before i ended the activity,
"CIKGU! jam dgn ban kata berlawan tk!" and he dashed his question with a cheeky grin.

aku campak jamban nanti aru kau tau eh, budak kecik.


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