my sweaty palms.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

the drama on a small little tagboard, which im clueless as to how it started.

i couldnt bother myself to be upset or angry to what ANON has said.
to those who didnt know what the whole thing was about,
here's a short background information:

my post on 23 Dec 07, was on how dissatisfied i was with HAZIRAH, an ex-colleague from delifrance, whom i sadly found out was spreading tales about me at the workplace still.
not forgetting, i included the part how ALIE dumped syikin just like that - not telling her what her fault was, after two years of syikin evidently looked after him like her own life.
i've also included a short bite of how THE BOY called me sundal by mistake because i made him really angry. but all was cleared; we had a long talk and straightened out our differences.

suddenly, this ANON came and tagged my blog, perhaps keeping her fingers crossed that i'd reply, which i did.

(the italised words are my thoughts)

how sure are you he called you sundal by mistake? :D

first thing's first, you wanna act inquisitive on my blog, type out your own name, unless your parents gave you a cocky name.
well of course, i wondered why this person's called ANON. like what i've told diy, maybe he/she doesnt know how to spell anonymous.

I think you deserve being called that :D even if it is "by mistake" :D

i dont even care whether thousands or millions of people think i deserved to be called that. all that matters is the boy, my boy.
we really dont want anything to obstruct our relationship anymore.

oh, then i banned ANON.
irna tagged, directing to him/her.

anon get a life sucker..

"mama" irna... i do have a life... :D butt off sucker! and CLEARLY! the gal you're trying to back up [unfortunately the attempt totally failed!] doesnt have a clue bout banning IP address....

i've banned him/her on the first IP address, which means, he/she has tried tagging on my blog with the same computer, only to find out that he/she was banned.
albeit that sad fact, he/she actually tagged again. so much effort, what a loser.

why do you ban? are you worried about the fact that people actually do hate you? EVEN YOUR SISTER? :D

i banned cos i dont want people to disrupt my blogging life. i dont care whether my sister hates me or what. ask her to stop being childish and act her age, instead of (pretending) being the older one in the family.

OH NOT TO MENTION? Even your mother? Your life sucks.... so MOVE ON ALREADY! Dont go bitching about other people behind their backs when they cant even read your blog! and then ban them.....

my mother loves me. this ANON sure thinks he/she lives with me. oh and how my family went out for a sumptious dinner the other night. which means, i've got a life.
oh i bitched about people who bitched about me first.
and i dont need them to read my blog, of course. isnt a blog supposed to be a free platform for bloggers to post whatever they want?

typical denial issues here...... mama ir super huge jugs which she doesnt have a problem hiding them :D sure will have a lot of things to say now won't she after you crawl to her to give you protection behind her big jugs? sorry..... wrong..... i think its super huge jugs which she doesnt have a problem hiding them :D

oh so now breasts are called "huge jugs"? come on ANON. he/she should stop using those jargons.

a word of advice to all dissers out there and to clueless bloggers who rely on banning .... why do you even put a tagboard if not ALL people can tag? IP address CHANGES.... doesnt take a geek to know that...... SO GO ON DISSING!

so who's dissing who actually? i've put a tagboard for my friends to tag, not some ANON who doesnt know hot to spell anonymous. tsk.

so when my friend asked what was happening, i told her to ignore whatever's happening. let the dog bark while it can.
ANON got angry!

A DOG? You equate my responses to a dog? A dog has a brain size of a peanut...... cmon AMIRA..... i tot you had more brain capacity to store this kind of info?????

a peanut? oh did he/she check this out on wikipedia or something? a dog barks what! so im correct, am i not?


oh my, ANON must be a freak stalking me. haha.

then the list goes on.
it was never ending, until to the point of time i privatised my blog.
only a few people invited to read my blog.
so ANON can go and search for another blogger to diss and stalk.

ANON said i was immature for correcting his/her english (which was sadly, grammatically wrong most of the times) on a tagboard.

i beg to differ.

who's more immature to start a bloody war on a tagboard, sending multiple messages each time he/she comes to visit my blog? (:


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