my sweaty palms.

Friday, December 28, 2007


How to Make Dogs Love You!


1 - First of all, you cannot make a dog love you. The dogs have devoloped a "wolf sense" meaning they can tell your feeling. So they can tell how you really feel on the inside not just the appealing outside. Meaning, the dogs can tell if you are a fake.

2 - Be consistent. There's nothing more frustrating for a dog than an owner that can't make up his/her mind.

3 - Use single word commands like 'sit' and 'stay' and stick to them. Don't use 'stay' one day and 'wait' the next. If you teach a dog to lie down by saying 'down', don't teach him to get off of the couch by saying 'down'. He'll think you want him to lie down, use 'off' instead (the DOG must really get its itchy paws off the keyboard!).

4 - Use a friendly tone. When he is naughty (haha naughty!), use a stern, harsh tone.

5 - Don't hit your dog. It may make it aggressive and prone to biting (no wonder!)

6 - Make sure your dog is part of your pack. A dog who lives confined to a single room or garage all day and night will spend a lot of time alone. As pack animals, they need to be with their families, not isolated (awwwww. poor thing!)


meeting the boy later!


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