my sweaty palms.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

ramadhan bazaar at geylang.

for the fourth time (or was it fifth?) in the month of ramadhan, i've actually garnered enough chilvary to make a trip to geylang serai again just now, running mum's errands.

the crowd got worse as ramadhan is coming to an end. and i've probably seen same stalls stretched across the bazaar itself since five years ago?

same thing every year: kebaya nyonya, dendengs, otak-otaks, chicken seaweed (personal favourite), and the mat minahs terpekik terlolong.

i apologise if i do offend anyone, but i really dont get it.
with piercings and tattoos all over the bod, you guys actually dared to strut your asses down the roads of geylang?
feeling a moment of fame? more like infamous to me.

hey i know i im not perfect, nobody's perfect.

but at 5pm, under the scorching heat of the afternoon sun,
you guys slurp ice cold drink in front of other muslims, who i believe, are waiting to break fast.

what happened to "mari kita hormat mereka yang berpuasa?"

rude and inconsiderate, why be a public nuisance when you could actually stay at home at maybe eat with the family, yeah?

which brings me to the topic. i could actually count the number of times i broke fast with the family this year.
due to work commitments, i had to fill my stomaches with dozens of tuna baguettes across the four weeks, missing out on the delicious feasts mum has prepared for the family.

i miss the family.

and the only thing i contributed this year was purchasing the bling-bling lights to be hung outside the house. even then, the boy bought it for the family; all i did was to choose the type of lights i liked.

see fana? im worse off than you :(

and mum didnt even complain a single bit!
she even prepared for me a mini tupperware of homemade cakes and cookies labeled "utk dimakan" at the top.

so as you guys realise, im not looking forward to this year's hari raya.
growing older means more reflection, and i hate doing reflections.
so point proven.

and below are just random statements because miss lazy bug has attacked me right now. i need to bathe because i stink of baguettes.

- i just rebonded my hair.

- i just went for a pedicure this afternoon.

- the boy gave me a surprise visit at work just now.

- i cant believe the parents bought a hot pink baju kurung for me.

- i have to bathe. i stink.


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