my sweaty palms.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Take this test at Tickle

Mira, in the morning, you're Still Sleepy

Sleepyheads like you are the reason they invented the snooze button. "Another five minutes! Just another five minutes." Okay, maybe one more...But eventually you do get up to face the day and arrive wherever you need to be in somewhat decent shape.That said, after your initial reluctance to get out from under the covers, we'd guess you're pretty eager to get your day going. And while you probably won't be up with the roosters (or at least volunteer to be), you're able to be surprisingly productive before noon. Sometimes you just may need a little nudge or strong cup of coffee to get going. Then you'll be off and running!

What's Your Morning Personality?
Brought to you by Tickle

how true.

Take this test at Tickle

Mira, your relationship destiny is to Find a Fairy Tale Ending

Cinderella, Snow White — those ladies knew what they were doing. And like these fairy tale heroines, you're a princess at heart who believes that love really does make the world go round. Of course, you're not waiting to be swept off on someone's white horse — you're a modern gal who's not afraid to do a little rescuing yourself.Independent and confident, you're not about to rely on fate to give you what you want. You've got the drive and spirit to pursue your dreams and find your own destiny. And you're sure to bump into Prince Charming along the way. That's a happy ending!

What's Your Relationship Destiny?
Brought to you by Tickle


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Mira, you have a Fearful Avoidant relationship attachment style.

You tend to have mixed feelings about relationships. A part of you may want to have a close, loving relationship, but another part of you may be somewhat uncomfortable with commitment. It's also likely that you are afraid others will let you down or abandon you. Although you tend to be open to relationships, you may not easily reveal the true you, and potential partners are likely to be intrigued about discovering the person you are deep down. Attachment style begins in infancy with the interactions we have with our parents or primary caregivers. Through these early relationships we begin to understand the dynamics and patterns of close relationships and we carry this perspective into our adult relationships. 31% of those who have taken our test share this style of attachment.When you choose a romantic partner you tend to gravitate towards those who have what psychologists call a preoccupied attachment style. These are people who show a great deal of openness and are eager to get close in a relationship. People with this attachment style can be very devoted partners. Your answers on our test show that when it comes to relationships you have grown beyond your earliest attachment issues. While you may not have every issue resolved, you're making substantial progress at establishing healthy relationship patterns.

Are You a Secure Lover?
Brought to you by Tickle

i wanna do more tickle tests, but my eyelids are getting heavier by the moment.





happy 17th, balloon-head!

happy 19th, diyana!



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